😅 Failing Hard

This is not the newsletter issue I had hoped I'd be writing at this point. I was hoping I'd have made some progress on my goal of $20 MRR (in the last issue I talked about how that was my main goal). But I'm still at $0 even with initial interest and people telling me they want to pay for it.

Simply said it's come down to me not putting in enough work to get things done. I've really struggled with sleep, which has been my biggest issue.

Overall it's been a failure of 2 weeks. I haven't made a lot of progress on the product. I've made ok progress on the marketing side. But as it stands it's not good enough.

😵 Post Mortem

All the mistakes I've made have been self inflicted

  1. I Wasn't Sleeping - I've been getting terrible sleep. Personally I feel like sleep is the foundation for all my work. When this isn't good everything else suffers because of it. My focus has been terrible. I'm towards the end of my journey in Madeira and I think I've figured out the 3 things I that effect my sleep the most
  2. I Wasn't Guarding My Time - To fill you in I'm currently in Madeira (an island of Portugal) living in a "nomad village". There's lots of people here and there's always something to do. Some gathering, some activity, someone's going away party, or something else. I've had a lot of trouble telling people no. It's been much harder to guard my time than I thought. Within the last week or so I've gotten better at it.
  3. I Took A Vacation Thinking I Could balance Work & Fun - I went to an island near Madeira called Porto Santo. When I booked it I thought I would be able to manage my time between work and fun. I ended up working around 1 hour a day while I was there. The rest was fun.
  4. I Just Didn't Put In The Work - In the end results determine my success or failure. I'm not fully in control of every result, but I can give myself the best possible chance to get the results I want. I didn't do that. The 3 pervious reasons definitely added to this one.

🛠 Product - What Actually Got Done

In terms of new features I haven't gotten anything done. I've been spending loads of time on design plus actually making wwrp look like the designs I've made.